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  • 发布日期:2025-03-26 14:42
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 工业制造区域:河南安阳市
  • 浏览次数14
  • 留言咨询


       Our company for gold, diamond, recycled aluminum and other mineral processing industry to provide flotation-specific heavy media. The main products are: low silicon iron powder atomized type, low silicon iron powder abrasive type, various models of various granularity. Annual production capacity of more than 100,000 tons.


       Our company for the welding materials industry to provide welding materials special accessories. The main products are: 45 , atomized silicon iron powder, 75 , atomized silicon iron powder, 45 , grinding silicon iron powder, 75 , various types of grain size. Annual production capacity of more than 10,000 tons.

       我公司为炼钢炼铁行业提供脱氧剂、复合脱氧剂产品。主要产品有:硅粉,硅铁粉,硅铁粒,硅钡粉,铝镁钙,铝锰铁,硅锰钙,硅钡, 硅铝钡,硅钡钙,硅钙碳铝多功能复合脱氧剂等,各种型号各种粒度。年生产能力60000余吨。

       Our company for the steelmaking industry to provide deoxygenators, compound deoxygenator products. The main products are: silicon powder, silicon iron powder, silicon iron grain, silicon powder, aluminum magnesium calcium, aluminum manganese iron, silicon manganese calcium, silicon niobium, silicon aluminum niobium, silicon calcium, silicon calcium carbon aluminum multi-functional compound deoxygenator, various models of various granules. Annual production capacity of more than 60,000 tons.

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